Selasa, 10 April 2012

List Dork Shell Google C99 , locus7 dan FTP

33|28.45%| powered by captain crunch security team
6 |5.17%| safe-mode: off (not secure)
5 |4.31%| home
4 |3.45%| basel 2.2
4 |3.45%| safe-mode: off (not secure) drwxrwxrwx
3 |2.59%| c99memoryl
3 |2.59%| c99shell [file on secure ok ]
3 |2.59%| c99shell v. 1.0 pre-release build #16
3 |2.59%| hacker
3 |2.59%| uid=99(nobody) gid=99(nobody) groups=99(nobody)
2 |1.72%| --[ c99shell v. 1.0 pre-release build #16
2 |1.72%| basel
2 |1.72%| c99shell v. 1.0 pre-release build
2 |1.72%| powered by captain crunch security team | |
2 |1.72%| safe-mode : off ( not secured ) drwxrwxrwx
2 |1.72%| safe-mode: off (not secure) drwxrwxrwx c99shell
1 |0.86%| !c99shell v. 1.0 pre-release build #16!
1 |0.86%| --[ c99shell v. 1.0 pre-release build
1 |0.86%| -[ c99shell v. 1.0 pre-release build #16 powered by captain cru
1 |0.86%| /opt/zope/lib/python/zdaemon/
1 |0.86%| allintext:"safe-mode: off (not secure)"
1 |0.86%| allinurl:selfremove
1 |0.86%| basel documentation
1 |0.86%| c99memory.php
1 |0.86%| c99shell safe-mode : off ( not secured ) drwxrwxrwx
1 |0.86%| c99shell v. 1.0 pre-release build #16 powered by captain crunch
1 |0.86%| c99shell v. 1.0 pre-release uname
1 |0.86%| c99shell v. pre-release build
1 |0.86%| captain crunch security team
1 |0.86%| code safe-mode: off (not secure) drwxrwxrwx c99shell
1 |0.86%| drwxrwxrwx c99shell filetype:php
1 |0.86%| encoder bind proc. ftp brute sec. sql php-code feedback self re
1 |0.86%| encoder tools proc. ftp brute sec. sql php-code update feedback
1 |0.86%| home updir search buffer tools proc ftp brute sec sql self remo
1 |0.86%| how to restore using !c99memory v. 1.0 pre-release build #16!
1 |0.86%| intext:c99memory v. 1.0
1 |0.86%| intext:safe-mode: off (not secure)
1 |0.86%| intext:safe-mode: off (not secure) tooling
1 |0.86%| inurl:act=sql
1 |0.86%| name asc. size · modify · owner/group · perms action
1 |0.86%| php safe-mode drwxrwxrwx
1 |0.86%| php4 timezone database
1 |0.86%| powered by captain crunch security team drwxrwxrwx
1 |0.86%| powered by captain crunch security team |
1 |0.86%| safe mode: off ( not secure )
1 |0.86%| safe mode: off (not secure)
1 |0.86%| safe-mode: off (not secure) / tmp/ drwxrwxrwx
1 |0.86%| safe-mode: off (not secure) site:pt
1 |0.86%| shell powered by captain crunch security team
1 |0.86%| basel
1 |0.86%| uid= gid= groups= sql uname -a
1 |0.86%| uid=99 ( nobody ) gid=99 ( nobody )
1 |0.86%| uid=99(nobody) gid=99(nobody) groups=99(nobody)safe-mode: off
6 7.32% locus7shell
4 4.88% shell
3 3.66% kuwait hacker
3 3.66% php safe-mode bypass (list directories):
3 3.66% safe-mode: off (not secure)
3 3.66% safe-mode: off (not secure) drwxrwxrwx c99shell
3 3.66% startpar -f
2 2.44% hs_kuwait.php
2 2.44% lejeune interpolate
2 2.44% name asc. size · modify · owner/group · perms action
2 2.44% shell c99 ccteam.r
1 1.22% .phpact=f shell
1 1.22% 00007458 zip
1 1.22% allintitle: \locus7shell\
1 1.22% allintitle: c99memoryl
1 1.22% allinurl:upload3.php
1 1.22% astro acrobat
1 1.22% basel stellar library
1 1.22% c99memory
1 1.22% c99memoryl
1 1.22% c99shell v. 1.0 pre-release build #16
1 1.22% class-efem
1 1.22% efemerides del 22 de abril
1 1.22% encoder bind proc. ftp brute sec. sql php-
1 1.22% encoder bind proc. ftp brute sec. sql php-code feedback
1 1.22% encoder bind proc. ftp brute sec. sql php-code update feedback
1 1.22% encoder tools proc. ftp brute sec. sql php-code update feedback
1 1.22% filetype:php shell
1 1.22% foreach (array(sortsql_sort) as $v)
1 1.22% i.s.s.w team ...
1 1.22% intitle:locus7shell
1 1.22% inurl:ftpquickbrute
1 1.22% inurl:php drwxrwxr-x ftp brute sql
1 1.22% lejeune interpolation
1 1.22% lejuene interpolate
1 1.22% lmgrd_start 47
1 1.22% mysqld usage of cpu suse httpd2-prefork
1 1.22% php echo getenv
1 1.22% php4 “registered stream socket transports�
1 1.22% powered by captain crunch filetype:php
1 1.22% powered by captain crunch security team drwxrwxrwx
1 1.22% safe-mode:
1 1.22% select action/file-type:
1 1.22% software make dir upload file safe-mode
1 1.22% uid=30(wwwrun) gid=8(www)
1 1.22%
"uname -a","uid=","drwxr-xr-x","r57shell"


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intext:'' safe-mode:off (not secure)''
intitle:- locus7shell'
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software: safe-mode: off (not secure) your ip: - server ip: [ft
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warning kernel may be alerted using higher levels safe mode
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FTP password:

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filetype:bak inurl:"htaccess\passwd\shadow\htusers
filetype:inc dbconn
filetype:inc intext:mysql_connect
filetype:properties inurl:db intext:password
inurl:vtund.conf intext:pass -cvs
inurl:"wvdial.conf" intext:"password"
filetype:mdb wwforum
"AutoCreate:=TRUE password=*"
filetype:pwl pwl
filetype:reg reg +intext:"defaultusername" intext:"defaultpassword"
filetype:ref ref+intext:"internet account manager"
"index of/" "ws_ftp.ini" "parent directory"
filetype:ini ws_ftp pwd

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